Monday, September 10, 2012

EOGM (Extra-ordinary General meeting) on Saturday, 15 Sept at 4pm

Going out to all Alumni:

There will be an EOGM (Extra-ordinary General meeting) this coming Saturday, (15 Sept) at 4pm, at SIFAS.

Please note the primary agenda for this EOGM is the election of office-bearers to the positions of Events Manager and Treasurer.

For the full scope of duties for both these positions, please refer back to earlier articles from our blog (links below):

Our Events Manager, Sai Akilesh, has recently moved to Chennai and is further pursuing his musical interests there. Although he continues to help us in whatever way he can, we require someone to fill the position of Events Manager on the Alumni Committee.

Sathiabhavani, the committee's Treasurer, has also asked to be excused from her position due to her own personal commitments.

**Should you be interested in running for the positions of Events Manager or Treasurer, please drop us an email at and prepare a short speech in time for the EOGM. The speech should provide an indication of your background, suitability, and the level of commitment you will be able to extend towards the position you are running for.

For details on Alumni eligibility, pls refer to this blog post.

At the EOGM, the committee will also be providing an update on the Alumni's activities, our development since the AGM of May '11, and our upcoming events - including this year's Navarathri slot and our Alumni Orchestra production 2013.

We apologise for the short notice of this EOGM.

As we are currently busy preparing for the above-mentioned production, we require these positions to be filled on an urgent basis.

Thank you for your continued support! We look forward to seeing you on Saturday.

Warmest Regards,
The SIFAS Alumni Committee 2012

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